Individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations or associations who produce process or market sorghum syrup or who has a direct interest in the sorghum industry may become a member of the NSSPPA.
Classes of members:
All classes of members shall be privileged to attend the annual meetings and to participate in all affairs and activities of the Association, but only Members who have paid dues prior to the annual meeting shall be privileged and qualified to vote. All members and supporters shall be entitled to receive all mailings, literature, and periodicals.
Dues will be used to further the objectives of the Association. The annual dues and monies derived from other sources, if any, not used by the corporation for current operations, will be available for educational work, research and market development.
If you would like to join the NSSPPA then please download the membership application below and return to the address listed on the form.
Membership Application 2025 (pdf)
DownloadThe NSSPPA recognized members attending the 2020 Annual NSSPPA Meeting in Pigeon Forge, TN that have twenty five or more years of continuous membership.
(l-r) Danny & Judy Townsend (Kentucky), Terry Norwood (Mississippi), Robert Brewer III (Kentucky), Charles Murphree (Mississippi), Gray & Mary (seated) Abercrombie (Virginia), Brenda & Richard Wittgreve (Wisconsin), Betty & Larry Cauthen (South Carolina), Mark Guenther (Tennessee) and Jimmy Ross (Kentucky) . Not Pictured: Donald & Beth Waterworth (Arkansas), David Jones (Virginia), Ken & Jan Hicks (Tennessee), and Ernest & Rosemary Mazelin (Tennessee).
To receive information about NSSPPA, contact:
Robert Johnson
Executive Secretary
2080 Sharpe School Road
Calvert City, KY 42029
Phone: 270-519-0857
Concern about the abundance of "blended" and imitation "sorghum" labeled as pure, prompted the National Sweet Sorghum Producers and Processors Association to develop this logo whereby the use of this symbol assures the consumer of a pure, unadulterated product.
The cost to use the logo is a one time fee of $20.00 and a $0.05 voluntary contribution to a fund for product marketing and maintaining quality pure sweet sorghum syrup. Each NSSPPA member displaying this emblem has complied with the association's quality guidelines.
The logo, along with the member's identification number, gives sweet sorghum an identity and separates it from all other syrups in the marketplace. It permits the consumer to purchase with confidence.
If you would like to use the NSSPPA logo then please download the Logo application and return to the address listed on the form.
Logo/Trademark Usage application form with Manual (pdf)